Propaganda and sensoring
- Created by: jaaaz_v
- Created on: 10-06-15 06:31
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- Propaganda and sensoring
- Propaganda was used to get people to join the army and to keep spirits high
- Over a million posters were made in 1914
- Helped to generate feelings of duty, honour, and hatred for the Germans
- A lot of British propaganda featured the fictional character Lord Kitchner
- Censorship followed a "good news only" policy
- Things like newspapers were tightly controlled to keep moral high
- To keep people working hard towards the war effort
- In 1915 a secret War Propaganda Bureau was set up
- Produce things like posters, leaflets etc.
- Give everyone a reminder of their duties during war time
- Other forms of propoganda
- Films (eg. The Battle of the Somme)
- Staged photographs
- Radio control
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