- Created by: paigesull
- Created on: 15-01-16 15:13
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- Assumptions
- Early childhood experiences determine adult behaviour
- Focus on unconscious
- Three parts of the personality
- Case studies are the best research method
- Key Words
- Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latent, Genital
- Id, Ego, Superego
- Defence mechanisms
- Key Concepts
- Structure of Personality
- Including defence mechanisms
- Unconscious mental processes
- Psychosexual stages
- Freud's use of case studies
- Structure of Personality
- Applications to Topic Areas
- Gender Development
- Psychosexual stages, Oedipus and Electra Complex
- Forensic
- Weak, Strong and Deviant Superego
- Gender Development
- Evaluation
- Detailed case studies, qualitative data
- Able to explain irrational behaviour
- Developed treatments
- Able to explain irrational behaviour
- Lack of objectivity, reach different conclusions
- Interpret to what they already believe e.g. Little Hans
- Based on hypothetical constructs, cannot be observed or empirically tested
- Cannot be generalised, despite Freud's attempts
- Interpret to what they already believe e.g. Little Hans
- Detailed case studies, qualitative data
- Assumptions
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