psychodynamic theory
- Created by: jamie
- Created on: 14-05-13 12:04
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- Psychodynamic Approach
- Assumption 1
- Behaviour is influenced by three parts of the mind
- Tripartile personality
- id, ego, super ego
- Assumption 2
- Behaviour is influenced by early childhood experiences
- Theory
- Freuds Theory of Personality
- Psycho sexual stages
- Oral stage
- Anal stage
- Phalic stage
- Oedipus Complex
- Penis envy
- Latency stage
- Genital stage
- Little Hans
- Phobia of horses
- Psycho sexual stages
- Freuds Theory of Personality
- Therapy
- Dream Analysis
- All dream content is motivated by wish fufilment
- Sigmund Freud
- Assigning meaning to dreams
- Access the unconscious
- Peoples sub conscious is brought into conscious
- Representations in dreams show unconscious thoughts
- Dream Analysis
- Methodology
- Case Studies
- Open to subjective interpretation
- Low external validity
- Hard to generalise
- Rich in depth data
- Qualititative data
- very descriptive and a great dela of insight
- Idiographic
- Clinical interviews
- Acurate diagnosis of mental ilness
- Usefull aplications
- Qualititative
- Interviewer Bias
- Leading questions
- Subjective
- Open to interpretation
- Case Studies
- Assumption 1