- Created by: Allypally1999
- Created on: 11-03-18 15:47
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- Psycho-pathology
- Cognitive explanation- Depression
- Activating Event
- Beliefs
- Consequence
- Disputing
- Logical
- Empirical
- Pragmatic
- Disputing
- Consequence
- Beliefs
- Beck
- Negative schemas- triad
- RWA- long term strategies
- Behavioural explanation- Phobias
- Classical conditioning
- Pavlov
- 1) Unconditioned stimulus= unconditioned response
- 2) Unconditioned stimulus + neutral stimulus
- 3) Conditioned stimulus = conditioned response
- 2) Unconditioned stimulus + neutral stimulus
- Little Albert
- Trained to associate white rat with fear, by striking steel bar
- Ethics
- RWA- if phobias are learned, they can be unlearned
- Systematic desensitisation
- In vitro ( in the mind) vs in vivo (in real life)
- Counter conditioning
- Reciprocal inhibition
- McGrath- 75% effective
- Flooding
- Unethical?
- Systematic desensitisation
- Association between stimulus and response- association can be generalised, e.g. fear of school becomes fear of leaving house
- How phobia is learned
- Mowrer- 2 step process
- How phobia is maintained
- Mowrer- 2 step process
- Operant conditioning
- Skinner
- Reinforcement
- Positive reinforcement- behaviour results in reward, so behaviour repeated
- RWA: token economy- institutions (schools, prisons, psychiatric hospitals)
- Negative reinforcement- behaviour results in negative experience ceasing, so behaviour repeated
- RWA: understanding comfort eating/ alcoholism
- Positive reinforcement- behaviour results in reward, so behaviour repeated
- Punishment- exterminates behaviour
- How phobia is maintained
- Reductionist- perhaps some phobias were evolutionarily helpful, so are hereditary
- Biological preparedness
- Determinist- free will
- Animal studies- can't necessarily be generalised to humans
- Individual differences
- Social learning theory
- Bandura 1961
- Vicarious reinforcement
- Behaviour imitated if role model rewarded
- Motivation- cost benefit analysis
- Behaviour imitated if role model rewarded
- Vicarious punishment
- Behaviour exterminated if role model punished
- Soft determinism
- Classical conditioning
- Biological explanation- OCD
- Genetic
- Diathesis stress model
- Cromer- more than half of OCD patients have experienced traumatic event- environmental influence
- RWA: combine with CBT- most effective?
- OCD is polygenic
- Taylor 2013- 230 genes involved
- Candidate genes e.g. 5HT1-D beta (transport of serotonin across synapses)
- Aetiologically heterogeneous
- Origin has different causes
- Diathesis stress model
- Neural
- Anti-depressants
- e.g. SSRIs (fluoxetine)
- Soomro et al- meta analysis of 17 studies- SSRIs more effective than placebos after 3 months
- Koran et al- criticises because short term study- SSRIs might not be effective in long term, whereas CBT provides skills for coping in future
- Soomro et al- meta analysis of 17 studies- SSRIs more effective than placebos after 3 months
- e.g. Tricyclics (Clomipramine)
- Side effects: increased aggression, hallucinations
- e.g. SSRIs (fluoxetine)
- Anti-anxiety e.g. BZs (Xanax)
- Increase GABA levels, reducing stress
- Side effects: increased aggression, addiction
- Diathesis stress model
- Cromer- more than half of OCD patients have experienced traumatic event- environmental influence
- RWA: combine with CBT- most effective?
- OCD linked to impaired decision making
- Abnormal functioning of lateral frontal lobes
- Correlation, not causation
- Anti-depressants
- Alternative treatment- CBT
- 70% efficacy- so OCD can't be purely biological
- Expensive, less accessible
- Genetic
- Abnormality
- Failure to function adequately
- Rosenhan & Seligman
- Subjective- observer and individual may have different priorities e.g. staying in to work rather than go out and be sociable
- Adaptive behaviours may appear dysfunctional
- Cultural relativism, ethno-centrism
- When aspects of behaviour affect daily functioning e.g. not showering
- Deviation from ideal mental health
- Jahoda
- Criteria includes good self esteem, strong sense of identity
- Unrealistic- almost no-one could fulfil criteria
- Cultural relativism, ethno-centrism
- Deviation from social norms
- Breaking unwritten laws of social interaction
- Eccentricity merges with abnormality- no clear line
- Subjective- norms differ depending on time/location
- Statistical infrequency
- Normal distribution curve
- Far from mean, outside standard deviation
- Sometimes desirable e.g. high IQ, 'abnormal' has negative connotations
- Objective
- Normal distribution curve
- Failure to function adequately
- Cognitive explanation- Depression
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