- Created by: Christina.muzariri
- Created on: 02-04-14 18:54
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- explanation 1 Bowlby's theory
- according to Bowlby attachment is;
- attachment is adaptive and innate.
- -seeking safety
- -infant will form attatchment
- -developed for survival
- -infant will stay close to attachment figure who feeds and protects them
- sensitive period
- -attachment form - 1st 2.5 years
- -after that it may not form at all.
- social releasers
- -crying or smiling= care giving reaction
- -necessary to insure interaction takes place
- -infant= closely attached to person who interacts best
- monotropy
- -infant has one specific attatchment
- -person who responds most sensitively
- -monotropy is vital for healthy psychological development.
- internal working model
- attachment=helps infant form healthy emotional relationships
- IWM=montropy (1st relationship =basis of future relationships
- part of the continuity hypothesis
- suggesting early patterns of attachment=same for future relationships
- attachment is adaptive and innate.
- according to Bowlby attachment is;
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