AQA psychology - education overview
- Created by: owencollings
- Created on: 04-04-14 09:09
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- Education
- Teaching and learning
- Personal appraoches to learning
- Theory of multiple intelligences
- Gardner - theory of multiple intelligences
- Variations on learning strategies
- McCarthy - 4MAT system
- Differences in cognitive styles
- Rose - VAK
- Riding and Raynor - cognitive styles
- Curry's onion model (Outer, Middle, Inner)
- Theory of multiple intelligences
- Personal approches to teaching
- Cognitive appraoches to discovery learning
- Bruner - the spiral curriculum
- Social constructivism
- Wood - roe of tutouring and social scaffolding
- Behaviourost use of objectives
- Bloom's taxonomy
- Cognitive appraoches to discovery learning
- Theories of knowledge acquisition
- Behaviourist models
- Watson and Raynor little Albert
- Skinner - operant conditioning
- Stage theories
- Bruner - modes of representation
- Piaget - cognitive development
- Social contruction theories
- Vygotsky - Zone of proximal development
- Behaviourist models
- Personal appraoches to learning
- Student participation
- Encouraging educational engagement
- The importance of play
- Schweihart - high scope study
- The emotional nature of learning
- Petrides - emotional intelligence
- The implications of ability grouping
- DfES - Report on ability grouping
- The importance of play
- Theories of motivation
- Psychodynamic theories
- Freud - Defence mechanisms
- Humanistic theories
- Maslow's hierachy of needs
- Cognitive attribution theory
- Claxton - motivation as an intrinsic process
- Psychodynamic theories
- Student beliefs and expectations
- Social roles and academic success
- Riley - The importance of becoming a learner
- Developing positive delf esteem
- Dweck - Entity vs Incrimental view of ability
- Leqrned helplessness
- Hiroto and Seligman - learned helplessness
- Social roles and academic success
- Encouraging educational engagement
- The social world of teaching and learning
- Personal and social development
- Developmental stages
- Erikson - childhood and society
- The need for acceptance and approval
- Rogers - student centred learning
- Summerhill - The humanistic school
- Moral development
- Kohlberg - conventional moral stages
- Developmental stages
- Student-student interaction
- Empathy and morality
- Gilligan - emphatic morality
- Friendship and academic performance
- Demetrio - importance of friendships
- Anti-bullying strategies
- Smith and Shu - anti-bullying review
- Empathy and morality
- Student-teacher interaction
- Comparisons of student-teacher communication
- Flanders' interactional analysis
- Teacher expectations
- Rubie Davies - maori students
- Types of questions and demands made by teachers
- Galton - science teching in key stage 2 and 3
- Comparisons of student-teacher communication
- Personal and social development
- Enabling learning: dealing with diversity
- Dealing with additional needs
- Individual support
- Bloom - Private tutouring
- Gifted and taented students
- Freeman - persecution and negative connotation
- Remedial support
- Rose - Synthetic phonics report
- Individual support
- Enabling ethnic minorities
- Engagement of ethnic groups
- Strand and Demie - Language aquisition
- Culture and grouping
- Ladson- Billings - characteristics of excellent teachers
- Role models and positive support
- DfES report - Aiming high black achievement project
- Engagement of ethnic groups
- Enabling genders
- Gender differences in educational achievement
- Strad - Differing IQ scores
- Differenes in brain structure
- Solms and Turnbull - Brain structure
- Strategies for enabling boys learning
- Younger and Warrington - Raising boys achievement
- Gender differences in educational achievement
- Dealing with additional needs
- Teaching and learning
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