Abnormality mindmap
This mindmap has most of the thins that need to be known for the second AS exam.
- Created by: Amelia Robertson
- Created on: 29-03-13 18:05
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- Psychology- Abnormality definitions
- What is Abnormality?
- Behaviour against social norms or that harm themslves or others.
- There are three definitions of abnormality
- Deviation rom social norms
- Behaviour volating accepted social rules
- E.G. An individual laughing at a funeral
- Failure to function adequately
- An inability to cope with day-to-day living
- An individual with agoraphobia who is afraid to leave their house
- Feature of personal dysfunction
- Personal distress - Includes depression and anxiety disorders
- Maladaptive behaviour - Behaviour stopping individuals from attaining life goals, both socially and occupationally
- Unpreditability - Displaying unexpected behaviours characterised by loss of control, like attempting suicide after failing a test
- Irrationality - Behaviour in an irrational way
- Observer discomfort - Behaviour causing discomfort to others
- Violation of moral standards - Behaviour violating societiy's moral standards
- Unconventionality - Unconventional behaviour
- Deviation from ideal mental health
- Failure to meet the criteria for perfect psychoogical well-being
- Deviation rom social norms
- Limitations
- What is Abnormality?
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