- Created by: Himee Senanayake
- Created on: 17-11-18 17:18
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- Psychopathology
- The Approaches in Psychology
- Biological
- due to a biochemical, organic or genetic reason
- behaviour is because of a physical situation
- Psychdynamic
- a result of repressed conflict or previous trauma
- Learning theories
- mostly learnt via classical or operant conditioning or social learning
- learnt from those around them
- mostly learnt via classical or operant conditioning or social learning
- Cognitive
- because of the way our thoughts and informations are processed
- Humanist
- explained from the point of view of the individual and their choices
- Biological
- Abnormalities
- Clear definitions are needed when deciding what is normal and what is not
- when deciding if treatment is needed
- age
- frequency
- reason (is it symptomatic)
- control of their behaviour
- is it affecting sleep routines or relationships?
- Clear definitions are needed when deciding what is normal and what is not
- The study of psychological disorders
- Why?
- these problems are becoming more frequent
- knowledge on how to treat these problems
- What problems?
- defining what is wrong with someone
- consistency
- personal (sensitive topic)
- not just one cure
- what is useful about using statistics?
- very precise (objective)
- does not rely on opinions
- easy to compare and present data
- suggests that certain behaviours are undesirable
- Why?
- The Approaches in Psychology
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