Punishing Germany
- Created by: GZucchi
- Created on: 18-01-17 13:53
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- Punishing Germany
- Yalta Conference
- Feb.1945
- Three Allied leaders met with Stalin
- Consider what to do with Germany after war
- To divide Germany into four zones
- To divide Berlin into four zones
- To hunt down Nazi war criminals
- Could not agree on what to do with Poland
- Postdam Conference
- July 1945
- War had ended
- Soviet troops liberated countries controlled by Germany
- Latvia
- Finland
- Divide Germany and Berlin
- To demilitarise Germany
- Re-establish democracy in Germany
- Germany had to pay reparations in weapons and equip.
- Ban Nazi Party
- To move Poland's frontier
- Nuremberg Trials
- Put leading members of Nazi Germany on trial
- Began: Nov.1945
- Accused of things like committing crimes against peace
- 200 Nazis tried
- 142 found guilty
- 24 sentenced to death
- 11 of these amended to life impr.
- 20 sentenced to life imprs.
- 98 given prison sentences
- 35 acquitted
- four committed suicide
- Yalta Conference
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