Python & Ciphers

  • Created by: WarrenB01
  • Created on: 17-10-19 11:00
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  • Yr 9 Computer Science
    • Ciphers
      • Substitution
        • Julius Caesar
          • He used a Substitution Cipher to encrypt codes known as the Caesar Cipher
        • is a method of encrypting by which units of plaintext are replaced with cipher text
        • Key: It is used to show you how many times to move the letters
      • Transposition
        • It is a method of encryption in which the  positions held by units of plaintext are shifted according to a regular system
      • Plain text is text that has not been encrypted
      • Cipher text is encrypted text
      • Cryptoanalysis is deciphering messages with no key
    • Pyhton
      • Data Types
        • Integers- Whole numbers
        • String- The bit that appears on the screen
        • Boolean- A variable that is only true or false
        • Real/FLoat- A number with a decimal
      • Variables- A storage area in the memory of a computer given a label. The contents of the variable can be changed throughout.
      • Print- A command the computer to display the text
      • input()- Creates a variable
      • """- When surrounding text it makes the computer unable to read it
      • if, elif, else- A list of things the user can input
      • Loops
        • For
          • Continues a task until it reaches a set limit
        • while
          • Repeatedly executes a target statement according to a boolean


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