Qualifications procedure for a legal executive, barrister and solicitor
- Created by: kitomulo
- Created on: 02-02-18 20:59
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- Qualification process
- Barristers
- 1) 5 GCSE's with A-C grades in english+math
- 2) A levels either AAA or AAB
- 3) To enter the bar a uni degree is required, if it's not in law they should take a 1 year vocational course (GDL)
- 2) A levels either AAA or AAB
- 1) 5 GCSE's with A-C grades in english+math
- Solicitors
- 1) 5 GCSE's with A-C grades in math+English A- levels varying on university attending plus a uni degree or 1 year GDL
- 2) 1 year vocational course (LPC) which involves training such as: interviewing, drafting documents, negotiation, advocacy and accounting
- 1) 5 GCSE's with A-C grades in math+English A- levels varying on university attending plus a uni degree or 1 year GDL
- Legal executives
- 1) 5 GCSE's A-C grades and A levels
- 2) Pass a professional diploma in law and the professional higher diploma in law
- 3) They then should work in a solicitors firm or other legal organisations after they officially become CILEX (chartered institute of legal executives)
- 2) Pass a professional diploma in law and the professional higher diploma in law
- 1) 5 GCSE's A-C grades and A levels
- Barristers
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