Relationships reacting to events
- Created by: JCarver
- Created on: 10-06-15 10:43
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- R-ships with events
- Daisy and Tom
- Brought together by death of Myrtle
- "They were careless people, Tom and Daisy, - they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back to their money"
- United in their inability to take the blame; attitude of carelessness
- Tom tells Wilson Gatsby was driving the car
- "He was crazy enough to kill me if I hadn't told him who owned the car"
- "That fellow had it coming to him"
- Idea of restlessness
- The Pulley, Herbert
- Pandora's box idea
- God left out rest so humans would come back to God, like a pulley
- Tom and Daisy represent the godless restless people that need God in the pulley
- need moral guiding force
- Link to Captain Correlli's Mandolin
- Iannis is moral guiding force of the island
- "Dr Iannis Counsels his daughter"
- "Dr Iannis Advises the Captain"
- Iannis is moral guiding force of the island
- Link to Captain Correlli's Mandolin
- The Pulley, Herbert
- Tom tells Wilson Gatsby was driving the car
- People show true colours in death
- Gatsby society is cold/ callous/harsh
- Lack of real meaningful r-ship
- Brought together by death of Myrtle
- Nick and Jordan
- R-ship fades out after Myrtle and Gatsby's death
- lack of commitment and emotion
- "You threw me over, but it was a new experience for me, and I felt a little dizzy for a while"
- Reflects careless/emotionless Gatsby society where human emotion isn't valued
- Link to Wolfsheim not coming to G's funeral
- Link to Tom crying over dog biscuits embarrassed
- Link to Valediction fo Weeping
- Lovers' emotional repsonse is valued; compared to coins
- "For thy face coins them"
- Lovers' emotional repsonse is valued; compared to coins
- Link to pelagia and Correlli
- Tears aren't to be embarrassed about
- Pelagia's tears rolled down her face and dropped into the bucket of snails'You're drowning them'"
- Idea of lovers tears being powerful force
- Link to Valediction fo Weeping
- Lovers' emotional repsonse is valued; compared to coins
- "For thy face coins them"
- Lovers' emotional repsonse is valued; compared to coins
- "Draw not up seas to drown me in thy sphere"
- Link to Valediction fo Weeping
- Idea of lovers tears being powerful force
- Pelagia's tears rolled down her face and dropped into the bucket of snails'You're drowning them'"
- Tears aren't to be embarrassed about
- Daisy and Tom
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