- Created by: Ciaran
- Created on: 03-05-15 14:08
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- Racism, Prejudice and Discrimination
- Racism
- Treating a person differently because of skin colour or race
- Prejudice
- pre-judging a person, based on little or no knowledge of the person
- Discrimination
- Treating someone badly because of prejudice
- Racist Influences
- Learnt from parents
- blaming others for society's problems
- Mis-understanding about culture
- bad experience from someone of a different race
- Types of Racism
- Blatant: someone receiving abuse due to the colour of their skin
- subtle: people cant access proper medical care or housing
- Christian response
- MLK had Nonviolent civil disobedience based on Christian belief
- Bible
- Genesis: Humans are created in the image of God, all humans are special
- Paul taught "There is no difference between jews and gentiles"
- The good Samaritan, a Samaritan helping a jew
- Jesus talked to a Samaritan woman
- Jesus healed a non-Jewish man
- Jesus: Love your neighbor as yourself
- Jesus: Do for others what you want them to do for you
- Churches
- Church of Ireland: If we cannot challenge racism... how can we convince others that we believe in christ
- Presbyterian Church: There is nothing more powerful than your neighbours seeing you enjoy the friendship of people from different racial backgrounds
- Methodist Church: Be open to the diversity and enrichment that can come from people of different cultures
- Christians combating racism
- Make churches become more welcoming
- Hold anti-racism days
- coffee mornings for cultures to mix
- Provides support to learn English
- support victims of racim
- Learn new languages
- Offer church hall to minority groups to let them celebrate their traditions
- Prejudice is attitude, Discrimination is action
- Racism
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