Radicals- Change (1780-1810
- Created by: Nashey
- Created on: 26-06-17 22:40
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- How does Radicalism change?
- 1780's
- The French revolution (1789)- Radical ideas spread to Britain. Ideas of Liberty,egalite, fraternite.
- Centerd around changing the voting system
- 1780- Formation of the Society for Constitutional information (SCI). Social and political reform. Mostly middle-class men. Mostly discussions, unwilling to do much more.
- Radical achievements
- Robert Raikes (Founder)- Educating poor children with his Sunday school many radicals copied.. This allowed the poor to read radical newspapers & pampphlets.
- The French revolution (1789)- Radical ideas spread to Britain. Ideas of Liberty,egalite, fraternite.
- 1790's
- 1799- Peace in the country through the use of Habeas corpus, freedom of the press is limited with large meeting/protests.
- Skilled working-class join the movement.
- 1792- London corresponding society (LCS). Thomas Hardy- Universal suffrage instead of the vote for the middle-class.
- Divided some wanted social and political reforms. Aims: Political education potentially violent.
- Change: membership was open to all. Slogan: 'That are membership be open to all'
- Early 1790's: Movement was popular with the landed. (The Association movement)
- Oppression from Government: Pitt used magistrates and regiments to suppress crowds.
- 1800's
- Radicalism isn't just centred to London- Nationwide.
- Decline in popular radicalism
- Radicalism isn't just centred to London- Nationwide.
- 1810's
- Spa Fields meeting (1816)- In recent years radicalism had declined, as the government wanted the country to be united during the Napoleonic wars.
- Parliamentary reform is still being pushed by Sir Francis Burdett. Parliamentary reforms and more rights for Catholics.
- The poor are considered- reformers talk about how they can help the poor.
- The Spencean Philanthropist society (1815)-- More radical pro abolition of monarchy and aristocracy & pro universal suffrage inc: Women.
- They believed that the best way to take power was through force.
- The Spencean Philanthropist society (1815)-- More radical pro abolition of monarchy and aristocracy & pro universal suffrage inc: Women.
- Spafield riots (1816)
- Rise of extra- parliamentary radicalism
- 1817- Radicalism quietens down due to economic advantages. Increase in radicalism increasing in industrial towns.
- Working class conscuisness and education reforms between 1840-1870. I
- 1819- Peterloo massacre
- Radicalism violence and outburst reduce due to reforms passed since Peterloo
- Poor leadership with the radicals Cobbett twas not a suitable figure. Pamphleteer no national figure.
- Division: Moral force VS Physical force. General change in the nature of radicalism increased organization.
- Spa Fields meeting (1816)- In recent years radicalism had declined, as the government wanted the country to be united during the Napoleonic wars.
- 1780's
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