Radioactivity Safety
AQA Seperate science - Physics 2B: Atoms and electricity.
Mindmap covering
- Radiation and living cells
- Danger of radiation outside the body
- Danger of radiation inside the body
- Safety Precautions
- Created by: Ellie
- Created on: 17-04-14 13:20
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- Radioactivity safety
- Radiation Harms Living cells
- Radiation molecules enter living cells and collide with molecules
- Collisions cause ionisation which damages or destroys molecules
- Small doses leads to mutation
- Cancerous cells
- Higher doses causes cells to die completely
- Outside the body BETA and GAMMA sources are most dangerous as they can get inside your organs
- Inside the body, ALPHA sources are the most dangerous as they focus on particular places.
- Radiation molecules enter living cells and collide with molecules
- Safety
- During experiments
- Radioactive substances should not be used for a long time
- Don't ever touch the radioactive source
- Use tongs
- Hold the source at arms length and point it away from your body
- Keep sources in a lead box
- During experiments
- Radiation Harms Living cells
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