National 5 History Unit 2: Changing Britain- Railways
- Created by: MairiCrosby
- Created on: 06-04-15 09:49
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- Railways
- Advantages
- Fresh food could be transported into cities improving diet
- GMT Established (Greenwich Mean Time)
- Seaside towns established
- Created many new jobs: Navvies/ticket collectors etc
- Mail & newspapers transported easily
- Working class people could afford a holiday
- Coal & Iron industries boomed
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- People could live in suburbs & avoid pollution
- Heavy goods such as coal could be transported easily
- Famous Railway Innovators
- James Watt
- Improved Newcomen steam engine
- Richard Trevithick
- Inspired by Trevithicks work building the first steam locomotive
- 1802: The Coalbrookdale Locomotive - the first portable engine to run on rails
- 1803: The London Road Carriage - the first coach
- 1804: The Penydarren Locomotive - the first train
- 1808: The Catch-me-who-can railway locomotive, the first fare paying passenger train
- Inspired by Trevithicks work building the first steam locomotive
- James Watt
- Advantages
- George Stephenson
- First public inter-city railway line
- Liverpool to Manchester railway opened in 1830
- Famous Railway Innovators
- James Watt
- Improved Newcomen steam engine
- Richard Trevithick
- Inspired by Trevithicks work building the first steam locomotive
- 1802: The Coalbrookdale Locomotive - the first portable engine to run on rails
- 1803: The London Road Carriage - the first coach
- 1804: The Penydarren Locomotive - the first train
- 1808: The Catch-me-who-can railway locomotive, the first fare paying passenger train
- Inspired by Trevithicks work building the first steam locomotive
- James Watt
- First public inter-city railway line
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