TMT & ADH comparison exam plan
- Created by: Wikidaa
- Created on: 10-06-18 14:26
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- 'Rank and Social status are enemies of happiness.' Consider the ways in which writers explore the effects of rank and social status.
- 1. The patriarchal relationship between social status and gender impedes female happiness.
- TMT Context: Middle Ages- "Feminine Estates": virgin, wife and widow. A woman's estate determined not by her profession but by her sexual activity, defined in the relationship to the men.
- TMT context: Women had the option of marrying or to 'take the veil' and become a nun.
- ADH context: 1870s dominated by strict Victorian social codes and laws. Napoleonic code: prevented women from engaging in financial transactions.
- TMT context: Women had the option of marrying or to 'take the veil' and become a nun.
- ADH Quote: Helmer- 'It's incredible what an expensive pet she is for a man to keep.'
- ADH quote: Helmer- 'My little spendthrift'
- TMT Quote: ‘”Do this,” seith he; “Al redy sire,” seith she.’ – The role and nature of women.
- TMT Quote: ‘Thanne sholde he take a young wif and a feir, On which he might engendren an heir’- Wife only needed to reproduce a child, security.
- TMT critic:· Ann Haskell- 'life for women of the gentry was synonymous with marriage'- women subjugated by marriage
- TMT Context: Middle Ages- "Feminine Estates": virgin, wife and widow. A woman's estate determined not by her profession but by her sexual activity, defined in the relationship to the men.
- 3. The idea of happiness can be easily manipulated through the power of one's social status.
- TMT context:The fabliau style made fun of everyday life and plots were often centred on women with large sexual appetites and ignorant fools.
- TMT context: Deschamps, wrote Miroir de Mariage:lists the ploys used by a woman when her husband won't give her what she wants+ how she will deceive him.Marriage as suffering for man regardless of what class his wife is from.
- ADH context: Industrialisation - by 1882 the Nowrwegian left won an election, but did little with its power- Ibsen cynical about politics- helmer, krogstad and nora's father: some degree of corruption.
- TMT context: Deschamps, wrote Miroir de Mariage:lists the ploys used by a woman when her husband won't give her what she wants+ how she will deceive him.Marriage as suffering for man regardless of what class his wife is from.
- ADH quote: Nora-'How on earth could you imagine that I would have any influence over my husband?'
- ADH quote: Nora- 'Yes Torvald. I can't get anywhere without your help.' - manipulation, appealing him
- TMT Quote:· ‘He swyved Thee; I saugh it with myne yen’- Blind love.
- TMT context:The fabliau style made fun of everyday life and plots were often centred on women with large sexual appetites and ignorant fools.
- 4. The outcome of both texts further proves that rank and social status don't secure or fulfil happiness.
- TMT context: The garden is a setting facilitating concealment. Roman de la Rose: first 4058 lines written by Lorris: courtier attempts to woo the woman he loves, additional 17,724 lines: by Jean de Meun: more misogynistic, philosophical, sexual.
- TMT context: The pear tree- the apple tree= pears used by early docs to prevent conception- pear trees defined adulterous relationships. Boccaccio's story of a Lidia(wife) who tricks her husband in doing ridiculous things by using her "love" for him.
- ADH context: Ibsen forced to write an alternative ending where Nora doesn't leave her children- too shocking for a 19th c audience.
- TMT context: The pear tree- the apple tree= pears used by early docs to prevent conception- pear trees defined adulterous relationships. Boccaccio's story of a Lidia(wife) who tricks her husband in doing ridiculous things by using her "love" for him.
- ADH critic: Bloomsbury Commentary- "For the first time audiences were given no easy solutions to a contemporary problem."
- TMT Quote: ‘Com doun, my lief, and if I have myssayd/ God helpe me so, as I am yvele apayd.’ =Come down, and if I have misspoken/ So God help me, I am very sorry–Easily manipulated, deceived, chooses May’s excuse over his own senses.
- ADH quote: Nora- 'We must both be quite free. Here is your ring back. Give me mine.' ..... 'The street door is slammed shut downstairs.'
- TMT context: The garden is a setting facilitating concealment. Roman de la Rose: first 4058 lines written by Lorris: courtier attempts to woo the woman he loves, additional 17,724 lines: by Jean de Meun: more misogynistic, philosophical, sexual.
- 2. The social position of a woman conflicts with their potential, independence and choice, and religion is a huge factor of this.
- TMT context: Original Sin-Eve created from Adam's rib was responsible for man's expulsion from paradise. The place of women in society was dictated by biblical texts e.g. St Paul instructed women to remain silent and forbade them from teaching.
- TMT context: Most women married as teenagers. Women were to marry or 'take the veil' and become a nun. Christine de Pisan wrote Epistre du Dieu d'Amours(letter to Cupid): it pointed out the conflict between the idea of courtly love( women are treasured) and attitudes towards women as inferior.
- ADH context: Traumatised by the maltreatment of Laura Kieler, he was inspired to write the play. Laura borrowed money for husband's health, wrote manuscript to pay off money; rejected by Ibsen, she forged a check, rejected by husband, sent to asylum, eventually husband takes her back.
- ADH context: Women's Rights- Flora Tristan (1803-44), divorced husband+lost custody of children. Mary Wollstonecraft published A Vindication of the Right of Women in 1792, 3 yrs after French Revolution- which stated that women are educated to be 'pleasing at the expense of every solid virtue' - Nora to dance and catch a husband.
- ADH context: Traumatised by the maltreatment of Laura Kieler, he was inspired to write the play. Laura borrowed money for husband's health, wrote manuscript to pay off money; rejected by Ibsen, she forged a check, rejected by husband, sent to asylum, eventually husband takes her back.
- TMT context: Most women married as teenagers. Women were to marry or 'take the veil' and become a nun. Christine de Pisan wrote Epistre du Dieu d'Amours(letter to Cupid): it pointed out the conflict between the idea of courtly love( women are treasured) and attitudes towards women as inferior.
- ADH quote: Mrs Linde- 'Espescially since you know so little of the worries and the hardships of life.'
- ADH quote: Nora-'But it was great fun though, sitting there working and earning money. It was almost like being a man.'
- ADH quote: Nurse- 'A poor girl what's got into trouble can't afford to pick and choose. That good-for-nothing didn't lift a finger.'
- ADH quote: Nora-'But it was great fun though, sitting there working and earning money. It was almost like being a man.'
- TMT Quote:· ‘That wyf is mannes helpe and his comfort’- Anti-feminism
- ADH critic:Einar Haugen- "Ibsen's Nora is not just a woman arguing for female liberation; she is much more. She embodies the comedy as well as the tragedy of modern life."
- TMT context: Original Sin-Eve created from Adam's rib was responsible for man's expulsion from paradise. The place of women in society was dictated by biblical texts e.g. St Paul instructed women to remain silent and forbade them from teaching.
- 1. The patriarchal relationship between social status and gender impedes female happiness.
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