RE 1.1
- Created by: Maisie Nevey
- Created on: 12-02-20 13:53
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- RE 1.1
- The Trinity
- Christians believe that there is only one God.
- Christianity is a monotheistic faith.
- God is a Trinity
- Trinity= Father, Son Holy Spirit
- This is taught in the Nicene Creed.
- The Trinity is a unity. He is omnipotent and only if God is a unity can he be all powerful
- God the Father = reflect an earthly father-child relationship.
- God the Spirit= comunicates with humanity.
- God the Son= came to fully experience human life.
- The Trinity in Worship: the sign of the cross, last verse in hymns, the Nicene Creed.
- Helps us to understand God's: power (father), love (son) and presence (spirit)
- Emphasises value of relationships.
- The family of the Church must be a unity.
- Beyond us, with us and in us.
- The Trinity was present at Jesus' baptism.
- The Doctrine of the Trinity was decided at the Council of Nicaea
- Creation
- God created out of nothing (ex nihilo)
- Genesis 1: creation lasted 6 days.
- God pre-exists the universe.
- Genesis 2-3: the fall of man and how sin entered the world.
- The Trinity is present in creation.
- The Father creates
- The Spirit helps the Father to create.
- Creationism
- Very literal
- Contradicts evolution
- Science and religion conflict.
- Theistic Approach
- Spiritual
- Not historical or scientific
- Science and religion in harmony
- We are created in the image of God
- Humans were created last and therefore have stewardship.
- The Incarnation
- God became a human being.
- Catholicism is not a set of rules but an invitation.
- The Annunciation is when the angel Gabriel came to Mary.
- Emanuel means "God with is"
- Jesus Christ is fully God and fully Man.
- It shows God's love for humanity.
- God is accessible
- The Paschal Mystery
- Jesus achieved eternal salvation for us.
- Paschal means Passover.
- Redemption and justification are elements of our salvation.
- Life/suffering/passion
- Most of the disciples didn't comprehend that Jesus was God.
- Death
- All the Gospels.
- Despite the torture he is still benevolent in his final moments.
- Resurrection
- Fundamental
- Demonstrates God's infinite power.
- Victorious in conquering sin.
- Ascension
- Jesus returned to heaven to pave the way for human beings
- The Holy Spirit then entered the world.
- The Sacraments help us to be saved.
- Evangelicals believe that Jesus was a substitute for us.
- Eschatology
- Eschatology is the study of Christian teachings on the last things.
- Judgement
- Christians without sin go to heaven.
- Christians with sin go to purgatory.
- People who reject God go to hell.
- Resurrection
- A persons soul is reunited with their glorified body.
- Heaven
- A place of perfection and eternal peace with God.
- The Father's house.
- Hell
- Eternal separation from God
- Purgatory
- Place of purification
- Always go up to heaven
- Only Catholics believe in purgatory
- The Trinity
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