RE Exam 1 - Religion and Life Issues
- Created by: Ben James Campbell
- Created on: 09-04-17 13:21
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- RE Exam 1 - Religion and Life Issues (Christian attitudes)
- Prejudice
- 'Love your neighbour' (neighbour = anyone)
- 'Treat others as you want to be treated'
- The Good Samaritan
- Jew on journey from Jerusalem to Jericho
- Beaten up, robbed and left to die
- Jewish priest and Jewish Levite walk by and don't help
- Samaritan helps him, even though they were enemies
- Jewish priest and Jewish Levite walk by and don't help
- Beaten up, robbed and left to die
- Jew on journey from Jerusalem to Jericho
- God created all humans as equals in terms of rights
- In God's eyes, there is no difference between...
- Jews and non-Jews
- Slaves and Free People
- Men and Women
- Everyone is the same in Christ
- Men and Women
- Slaves and Free People
- Jews and non-Jews
- Each human is 'made in the image of God' so is worthy of respect
- Abortion
- Protestant
- Goes against the Sanctity of Life
- 'Lesser of two evils' e.g. if woman was *****
- In an ideal world there would be no abortion
- Islam
- Ensoulment - the soul joins the body 120 days into the pregnancy
- Abortion is okay up to 120 days
- Ensoulment - the soul joins the body 120 days into the pregnancy
- Roman Catholic
- Goes against the Sanctity of Life
- Murder
- Rights of the child come first
- Vatican II - 'Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception'
- Acceptable if mother needs urgent medical treatment which will kill the foetus
- Protestant
- Animal Rights
- Humans can use animals to enhance their lives
- Plants and animals were created for humans to use responsibly
- Some try to eat organic or free range meat
- Most would be happy with animals being helpers or companions
- Guide dogs
- Police horses
- Pets
- God created the world and gave us dominion over everything in it
- Some accept experiments on animals to increase medical knowledge but would be happier for alternatives
- Cell cultures
- Computer simulations
- Some accept experiments on animals to increase medical knowledge but would be happier for alternatives
- Animals are God's creation so they deserve respect and protection
- Against activities deliberately cruel to animals
- Fox hunting
- Bull fighting
- Factory Farming
- Some try to eat organic or free range meat
- Some would be vegetarian for moral reasons
- Some accept experiments on animals to increase medical knowledge but would be happier for alternatives
- Cell cultures
- Computer simulations
- Most against cruelty to animals for fashion
- Fur trade
- Experiments for cosmetics
- Against activities deliberately cruel to animals
- God cares for all of his creation, 'even the sparrows'
- We need to remember the planet and animals belong to God
- Humans can use animals to enhance their lives
- Planet Earth
- God will judge us on Judgement Day, partly on how we have treated the planet
- God wants us to try to 'heal the world'
- The world's resources are our reward for good stewardship
- God created the conditions for life
- God created the Earth, or was involved in the Big Bang or evolution
- We are stewards - we must look after the world for God
- Plants and animals were created for humans to use responsibly
- It is everybody's responsibility to look after he planet
- Good stewardship is for the benefit of future generations - 'future's thinking'
- Prejudice
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