RE Quotes
- Created by: grace.goodyer
- Created on: 22-04-18 12:02
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- RE Quotations
- Islam
- Muhammad's farewell speech
- "Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you"
- Beware of Satan for the safety of the religion"
- Angels
- "The angels are created from light"
- Beliefs about Allah/ General beliefs
- "He is Allah, the One and Only: Allah, the eternal, Absolute; he did not give birth nor was he born; and there is none like him"
- "In the name of Allah, the entirely merciful, the especially merciful"
- "On the day of judgement, we will bring forth the record of his actions in the form of a wide open book"
- Al Jannam and Al Jannah
- "bursting with fury"
- "Beautiful mansions in gardens of everlasting peace"
- Muhammad's farewell speech
- Christianity
- The Trinity
- "I believe in God the father almighty maker of heaven and earth"- The Apostles Creed
- "Our Father who art in heaven"- The Lords Prayer
- The Resurrection and Ascension
- "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that who so ever believes h=in him shall not perish but have eternal life"-John 16-18
- "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26and whoever lives by believing in me will never die
- Sin and Salvation
- "For the wages of sin is death but the gift if God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our lord"- Romans 6:23
- For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of god"- Romans 3:23
- Suffering and Evil
- "The lord gives and the lord takes away; may the name of the lord be praised"- Job 1:26
- "Never again will they hunger, never again will they thirst... God will wipe away every tear from their eyes"- Revelation 7:16-17
- "But do not be overcome by evil, overcome evil with good"- Romans 12:21
- "The lord gives and the lord takes away; may the name of the lord be praised"- Job 1:26
- Eschatlogical Beliefs
- "Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life"- Matthew 24:46
- "Our citizenship is in heaven" -Phillipians 3:20
- "My fathers house has many rooms" -John 14:2
- "They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth" Matthew 13:42
- Creation Story
- "then the lord said 'let there be light'" -Genesis
- In the beginning "God created the heavens and the earth"- Genesis 1:1-2
- The Trinity
- Family and Relationships
- Roles of Men and women
- "Wives submit to your husbands"
- "men should truly esteem and love woman with total respect"
- "you are not her master , but her husband, she was not given to you to be your slave but your wife"
- Divorce
- "till death do us part"
- "I hate divorce said the lord God"
- "God is love"
- "forgive one another"
- Contraception
- "Be fruitful and multiply"
- "you were made in the image of god"
- "You shall not murder"
- Racism and Equality
- "for we were all created equal in the eyes of God"
- "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."- Galations 3;27-28
- Wedding and Marriage ceremonies
- "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health to love and cherish for ever" -Marriage vows
- "go forth and multiply"
- "If a person can not control their sexual desires then they should marry"
- Roles of Men and women
- Dialogue Between Faiths
- Equality
- "From one man he had made every nation of men, should inhabit the whole earth"
- "You shall love your neighbour as yourself"
- British Laws and Christian Teachings
- "thou shalt not kill"
- "thou shalt not steal"
- Abortion
- "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart"
- "You saw me before I was born"
- Better off are those who have never been born, who have seen the injustices that goes on in the world"
- "The life of the foetus is not absolutely sacrosanct if it endangers the life of the mother"
- "The killing of a child is a very great sin"
- "No severer of the womb will ever enter paradise"
- Muslim View
- "The killing of a child is a very great sin"
- "No severer of the womb will ever enter paradise"
- "The killing of a child is a very great sin"
- Inclusivism, Exclusivism and Pluralism
- "For no one comes to the father except through me"
- "For we are all one and the same"
- "You are made in the image of God
- "There is no compulsion in religion"
- Equality
- Islam
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