Realism vs Liberalism
- Created by: Ribena the great
- Created on: 23-02-22 12:05
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- Liberalism vs Realism
- 'cobweb' model of international relations
- spread of liberal democratic government
- mutual growth between world and cobweb model
- Fukyama - democracy would become undisputed form of government
- spread of liberal democratic government
- Conflict can be avoided between states
- diplomacy prevents conflict
- Immanuel Kant 1724-1804
- ordered peaceful interactions between states
- avoid anarchical world order
- where there is no higher authority than nation-states with power to control global politics
- optimistic about sovereignty through IGOs and non-state actors
- international community
- Complex interdependence
- states are working for mutual benefit
- global international order supported by liberal institutions
- Robert Keohane
- pessimistic view of human nature - selfish
- states behaviour is driven by desire to increase power
- hegemon - the most dominant state in the world system
- John Mearsheimer - political scientsist- uni of chicago
- little reason to trust each other, competition to take advantage of each other
- states are trying to secure hegemony and will continue conflict for power
- Iraq war 2003 - USA and allies acted with perception of national interest and did not get permission from UNSC
- Hans Morgenthau - morals are less important than national interest in global politics
- states behaviour is driven by desire to increase power
- disconnected 'billiard ball' model of international relations
- Limited power - to gain power you must take it from others
- can be war to gain power or merge to increase power
- Zero sum power - one states gain is another's loss
- Limited power - to gain power you must take it from others
- conflict is inevitable
- pessimistic about any limits on state sovereignty
- only nation states
- states are independent
- Hedley Bull - benefits from interdependence so act in spite of anarchy
- states are independent
- security dilemma
- increase in one state's security leads others to fear and build u their own - causes tensions
- optimistic view of human nature and collaboration
- Nationalism links to realist views of the state
- 'cobweb' model of international relations
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