- Created by: Connie
- Created on: 12-04-15 13:03
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- Realism
- Based on ideas of inherent human selfishness, greed, and international anarchy in the world system.
- This can only be solved by the balance of power; neo-realists see a bi-polar world system as the most stable, as it a consequenceof 'the structural dynamics of the international system, an the distribution of power among states' (Heywood, 2014)
- Key theorists include classical realist Niccolo Machiavelli (The Prince, 1513), who influenced Hans Morgenthau (In Defense of the National Interest, 1951)
- Classical realism explains power in terms of human selfishness and egoism
- Neo-realism modifies this by highlighting the international system, and its structural constrains; international anarchy.
- Human Nature is fixed by nature, bound by instinct, and driven non-rationally.
- Global Economy theory is rooted in Mercantilism; used to further state interest.
- Terrorism is a violent challenge to states, so counter-terrorism would be uncompromising
- The State is the robust, autonomous unit of the intl. system acting with 'the wish to survive' (Waltz 2002)
- Society is meaningless, as realists focus on the state.
- Nationalism is positive, but not emphasised.
- Identity is based solely on the state, forged through nationality and citizenship.
- The End of the Cold war was a shock; but the decline of the Soviet Union brought an end to bi-polrity
- War and Peace is explained through self-interest of states but balance of power prevents war; cost-benefit analysis
- Based on ideas of inherent human selfishness, greed, and international anarchy in the world system.
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