Realist Theories of Crime & Deviance 3
- Created by: Jakeyboy13579
- Created on: 30-09-20 14:41
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- Realist Theories of Crime & Deviance 3
- Tackling Crime (Left Realism)
- Left realists argue that in order to reduce crime rates, we must improve both policing and control and deal with deeper structural causes of crime
- Policing and Control
- Solution
- Problem
- Government Policy
- Firmer approach to policing hate crimes, sexual assaults and domestic violence protecting vulnerable groups from crime
- ASBOs: Dealing with delinquency and low level disorder
- New Deal: Providing training and subsidised employment to young people at risk of offending
- Left Realism Evaluation
- Strengths
- Left realism has succeeded in drawing attention to the reality of street crime and its effects, especially on victims from deprived groups
- Weaknesses
- Marxists argue that left realism focuses too much on street crime and crimes of the poor and fails to explain crimes of the powerful which is more harmful (Henry and Milovanovic 1996)
- Interactionists argue that left realists rely on quantitative data from victim surveys which cannot explain offender's motives
- Their use of subcultural theory means that left realists assume that value consensus exists and tat crime only occurs when this breaks down
- Relative deprivation cannot fully explain crime because not all those who experience it commit crime. In other words, the left realist theory over predicts the amount of crime
- The focus on high crime inner city areas gives an view that is not representative and makes crime appear a greater problem than it is
- Strengths
- Tackling Crime (Left Realism)
- Police cannot deal with volume and different crime issues by themselves
- Multi-agency approach involving local councils, social services etc
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