reasons for failure of 1848/9 revolutions
- Created by: lucy._.hart
- Created on: 03-11-20 20:45
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- reasons for failure of the 1848/9 revolutions
- foreign intervention
- Lombardy - crushed by Austria (Radetzky)
- Tuscany - Austria help Leopold return
- Venice - Austria crushes unrest
- Rome - crushed by France (Oudionot)
- lack of political unity
- Lombardy - moderates (Casati) + radicals (Cattaneo)
- Tuscany - moderates help Leopold II return
- lack of popular support
- Sicily - peasants help FII return
- parochialism
- lack of understanding of nationalism
- lack of social unity
- Sicily + Naples - helped FII return
- peasant radicals set up provisional govt + National Guard
- Lombardy - middle class revolt, 5 days of Milan
- Piedmont - Durando + Pepe returned home
- Sicily + Naples - helped FII return
- reaction of papacy
- Rome - Pope issues allocution (splits rebels e.g. Gioberti followers disbanded)
- Piedmont - Durando's troops return to home
- Piedmont - France puts 30K troops on border
- weaknesses in leadership
- Sicily - small scale uprising (local leadership)
- Lombardy - relied on Piedmont for protection
- Venice - relied on Piedmont
- Rome - triumvirate government, slow to act
- foreign intervention
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