Labour victory in 1945
- Created by: Shqipe99
- Created on: 15-06-17 20:07
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- Reasons for Labour victory in 1945
- Labour: 393 seats - 47.8% share of votes Conservatives: 213 seats - 39.8% share of votes
- position before the war
- Labour had recovered after the disaster of 1931
- many blamed Conservatives for the failings of the 1930s
- Impact of the war
- the war made people aware of contribution made by Soviet Russia putting socialism in the limelight
- key Labour policies - plans in the Beveridge report and proposal for welfare state supported by Labour,
- wartime coalition gave leading figures in the Labour oarty to prove themselves on a national scale.
- 1945 election campaign
- Conservatives were poorly organised and not as effective as they usually are
- many felt complacent about the election - believed electorate would thank Churchill for his wartime efforts
- Labour Manifesto: 'let us face the future' - appealed to the electorate: nationalisation of key industries - economic planning - full employment - creation of NHS - system of social security
- Churchill was a good wartime leader but not a good peace time leader - Gestapo speech (attack on Labour) lost votes
- Untitled
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