Reasons for the failure of the 1848 Revs
- Created by: lilya
- Created on: 26-01-21 15:04
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- Reasons for the failure of the 1848 Revs
- Situation in Austria
- fate of rev dependent on outcome of Austrian power struggle
- Summer 48: Austrain forces crushed uprisings in Prague and N.Italy
- Oct 48: 2000 people died in Vienna
- Austrian Emperor abdicated in Dec and by mid 49, forced had regained control of Aus Empire
- Dissolved Aus Assembly, subjected all of Empire to control from Vienna
- 1850: as it nothing had happened, 51 was complete restoration to old order
- Situation in Prussia
- Libs defeated by late 48
- King Wilhelm committed himself to Conservatives
- Police powers increase and local govt power reduced
- 3 class suffrage ensured there was no real democracy in lower house
- Failure of Revs across Europe
- High hopes of Spring 1848 revolutionaries had dies by 1849
- 1849 forces of reaction were in power...
- Austria, Prussia and Russia continues to dominate central and E.Europe
- Limited Revolution
- Active revolution was RARE
- Prussia: restricted to riots in Berlin and unrest in Rhineland
- Small states: peasants attacked landlords, castles and property were destroyed
- Most rev activity didnt involve armed uprisings - mainly peaceful demonstration and petitions
- Revolutionary Divisions
- wide differences in political aims of liberals and radicals
- liberals = constitutional govt in all states and United empire w national parliament
- radicals = complete social and political change within a republican framework
- Nationalists also disunified: unified vs federal, monarchy vs republic, klein vs gross
- diff social groups had diff interests... middle class vs working class
- WC purely practical
- wide differences in political aims of liberals and radicals
- Rural apathy
- 1847/48 harvests were reasonably good
- Unenthusiastic support amongst peasants and farm workers
- felt hostility rather than affinity to urban revolutionists
- Loss of support
- after a few months, active support for national unity had disappeared
- encourages by Frankfurt Parliament
- general consciousness failed to develop among mass of Germans
- Conservative Strengths
- Berlin - well trained army, loyal to King
- Enemy stronger, better organised and had military power
- Constitutional govt and unity only achieved on THEIR terms
- once order restored, Austrian policy still based on dominating Germany by keeping it weak and divided
- Situation in Austria
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