Reasons for increasing divorce rates
- Created by: C.P.
- Created on: 29-01-14 12:39
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- Reasons for increasing divorce rates
- Divorce is no longer viewed as a negative and instead is viewed as a chance to escape from a bad relationship
- Changes in divorce laws have made it easier for people to get divorces
- Beck and Gernshiem - 1995
- Rising divorce rates are a product of a changing world
- Traditional views on marriage no longer apply
- Functionalists argue that higher divorce rates show that marriage is viewed as more valuable and therefore people demand higher standards from their marriages
- Women are financially dependent and so don't need to rely on marriage for financial security
- Hart
- Divorce is a reaction to the frustration that wives are responsible solely for the hosuework
- Divorce may be the outcome of tensions caused by women taking over the main role as main breadwinner
- Thornes and Collard
- Women value freidnship and emotional gratification more than men do.
- If men fail to live up to these standards, then women will get a divorce
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