Recycling and Upcycling
Recycling and upcycling revision for exam
- Created by: Emmy sale
- Created on: 26-01-15 15:48
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- Recycling and Upcycling
- Disposal and environmental issues
- We have to consider whether it is necessary to constantly produce new products which use resources and have an impact on the environment
- Should designers try to convert our 'throw away society into something more sustainable?
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
- FAD's often effected
- a fad product= is introduced into a store, quickly rises as a best seller then almost immediately declines and is unlikely to reappear
- We have to consider whether it is necessary to constantly produce new products which use resources and have an impact on the environment
- Eco-fashion= refers to stylised clothing using environmentally sensitive fabrics and responible production techniques
- Recycling= the reuse, manufacturing or reprocessing of reducing waste.
- A huge amount of textiles end up in landfill every year in the uk.
- recycling of whole garments
- through charity shops or vintage clothes markets
- reuse of clothing items which have been reworked, printed over or re-cut, to be resold
- Recycling of materials in amore industrial context
- Includes the production of recycled yarn where textiles are unravelled and respun into new fibres
- the reuse of waste textiles as fillings for upholstery or as cleaning wipes for industrial purposes
- Make,do and mend
- = extending the useful life of an item or product
- e.g. by darning some old wool socks or reusing a material or product and giving it another function, like turning old curtains into a garment
- By ucycling textiles in this way, we can offer garments a 2nd life and prevent them from ending up in landfill
- = extending the useful life of an item or product
- upcycling
- refers to the reuse of a garment where its quality remains the same or is increased by the process, attempting to counter the common problems of the recycling practices- reducing the quality of the original materials
- Facts
- Estimated that 95% of textiles that are sent to landfill could be recycled
- Consumers purchase 2.15million tonnes of new clothing and shows each year in the UK
- over 1 million tonnes of textiles are discarded annually, most from domestic sources
- Disposal and environmental issues
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