Red scares
- Created by: BKW
- Created on: 18-04-17 20:14
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- Red Scares!
- First Red Scare 1919-20
- Causes
- Fear of communist revolution from Russia and post war Europe
- Bolshevik revolution took Russia 1917
- 1918-19 communist revolutions, Berlin, Hungary and Munich
- Post WW1 immigrants from south seen as spies
- economic problems blamed on communism
- calls for fairer wages
- record no of strikes 1919 4 million workers
- Boston Police force 75% stiked
- record no of strikes 1919 4 million workers
- calls for fairer wages
- economic problems blamed on communism
- 1919 bombs sent in post to public figures eg. Mayor Hanson
- Reaction
- Americans blamed 'enemy within' eg immigrants
- Call for end to mass immigration
- rise of KKK
- Sedition act
- Clamp down on anti - American views
- Alien Act
- could deport anyone who was a member of any anarchist group
- Palmer raids FBI in 33 cities
- 5000-10000 arrested, 556 deported
- red flag laws
- ban communist banners and properganda
- Sacco and Vanzetti
- Americans blamed 'enemy within' eg immigrants
- Causes
- Second Red Scare 194-57
- Causes
- After WW2 rivalry between USA and SU
- Clash of communism and capitalism
- both superpowers with spheres of influence
- Clash of communism and capitalism
- East Europe and china fell to communism 1949
- Joseph McCarthy false claim of communists from within gov
- people didn't want to criticise - fear of being called unpatriotic or communist
- Rosenbergs 1951 Americans who sp`ied for SU
- After WW2 rivalry between USA and SU
- Reaction
- Truman executive order 9835 - loyalty reviews for federal employees
- Communist political party banned
- FBI legal practices for info on communists
- House of Un American Activities committee
- Investigations in Hollywood - 10 prison sentences for refusal to cooperate
- Mccarthy = 300 blacklisted films 2000 industrial workers fired, 500 deported
- no evidence
- politicians promoted anti communism into the 70s
- Causes
- First Red Scare 1919-20
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