Reformist and Radical Ecology
Topic 4:D
- Created by: Connie
- Created on: 12-06-15 19:33
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- Reformist and Radical Ecology
- Radical
- Completely rejects Capitalism
- A system of commodification
- Social ecology
- A system of commodification
- Tackles enviromental degradation through...
- Eco-socialism; a new ideological system must replace Capitalism
- Eco-anarchism; critique of hierarchy.Abolition of state for decentralised communities
- Eco-feminism;domination of women= nature. Post-patriarchal society
- Completely rejects Capitalism
- Reformist
- Seeks to reconcile the key aspects of Capitalism with ecology
- 'Limits to growth' e.g. enviromental degradation threatens the economy and prosperity
- Utilitarianism
- Tackles environmental degradation through...
- Market ecology; 'green capitalism' using strategies such as 'green taxes'
- Global governance or 'international regimes', reducing 'tragedy of the commons'
- Human ingenuity;the development of new technologies such as electric cars
- Seeks to reconcile the key aspects of Capitalism with ecology
- Radical
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