regulation of barristers
- Created by: tiapitmanx
- Created on: 03-02-19 14:10
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- barrister regulation
- representative body
- bar council
- fulfils a trade union function
- brings bars issue to government attention
- legal aid payment
- promotes fair justice for all
- use to be responsible for barrister discipline
- was causing conflict
- bar council
- regulatory body
- bar standards board
- sets training/entry standards
- can pass onto Disciplinary Tribunal
- independant bat tribunals and adjudication service
- reprimand , further training, fine up to £50,000, 12 mth suspension, disbar
- can take further to legal ombudsman
- bar standards board
- complaints
- first use chamber complaint procedure
- then bar standards board
- can sue in civil courts for negligence
- Said Ali V Sydney Mitchell and Co 1980
- also liable to sure for conduct of advocacy
- representative body
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