Regulation of blood GLUCOSE
- Created by: Steff06
- Created on: 20-03-16 08:45
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- Regulation of blood glucose
- Insulin is a hormone released from the pancreas that causes blood glucose levels to go DOWN/DECREASE.
- Islet of Langerhans contain different types of cells. alpha cells and beta cells.
- Alpha cells manufacture and secrete GLUCAGON. Beta cells manufacture and secrete INSULIN. This is the ENDOCRINE function of the PANCREAS.
- Glucagon is a hormone that causes blood glucose levels to RISE/INCREASE.
- If the concentration rises or falls away from the acceptable normal concentration, then the ALPHA and BETA cells will DETECT the change and RESPOND by releasing a hormone.
- If blood glucose rises too HIGH:
- Detected by the B cells which will secrete INSULIN into the blood.
- HEPATOCYTES possess specific membrane-bound RECEPTORS for insulin. The insulin will BIND to these receptors.
- The binding will activate ADENYL CYCLASE which converts ATP to cAMP.cAMP activates enzyme-controlled reactions.
- MORE glucose CHANNELS placed in membrane. MORE glucose in cell which is converted to GLYCOGEN (GLYCOGENESIS). MORE glucose converted to FATS and MORE used in RESPIRATION.
- If blood glucose drops too LOW:
- Detected by A cells which will secrete the hormone GLUCAGON into the blood.
- HEPATOCYTES possess specific RECEPTOR for glucagon. Glucagon will BIND to the receptors.
- Conversion of glycogen to GLUCOSE (GLYCOGENOLYSIS). Use of MORE FATTY ACIDS in respiration.
- Production of glucose by conversion from AMINO ACIDS and FATS (GLUCONEOGENESIS).
- Conversion of glycogen to GLUCOSE (GLYCOGENOLYSIS). Use of MORE FATTY ACIDS in respiration.
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