To what extent have the attempts to regulate pressure groups been successful in the USA? (30 marks)
- Created by: yazmintaylorx
- Created on: 30-04-18 09:18
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- regulation of PGs
- the definition of lobbyists has caused problems
- Lobbying Disclosure Act 1995
- defined lobbyist as someone with more than one contract & spends 20% time lobbying
- included lobbying of congress & senior executive staff
- many lobbyists changed focus of their work so they spend < 20% lobbying
- 3,627 lobbyists deregistered in 2008 in order to avoid restrictions
- many lobbyists now call themselves 'strategic advisors'
- don't directly contact officials on behalf of clients
- instead advise clients on how to best present message to govt. & public
- American League of Lobbyists changed name to Association of Government Relations Professionals
- means may lobbyists can carry out work unregulated
- reduces authority of federal govt. as lobbyists ignorming them
- decreasepublic confidence in govt. so increase apathy & decrease participation
- Lobbying Disclosure Act 1995
- disclosure regulations have had little impact
- Lobbying Disclosure Act 1995
- Honest Leadership & Open Govt Act 2007
- regs have done nothing to stop PGs spending & accepting huge amounts of money
- PGs can still donate huge amounts to candidate's campaigns
- since Citizens United v FEC (2010) lobbyists can donate to Super PACs which can spend unlimited amounts on TV ads supporting candidates
- there were 1, 310 Super PACs created by the 2012 election & they raised over $ 828 m
- still a lot of potential for corruption to occur
- could undermine pluralist democracy & promote elitism as views of wealthy are better represented
- supports view that its just the wealthiest who win
- could lead to apathy & decreased participation
- the revolving door has only been delayed, not stopped
- Ethics in Government Act 1978
- Ethics Reform Act 1989
- Honest Leadership & Open Govt Act 2007
- revolving door has increased
- in 1974 only 3% retiring Congressmen came back as lobbyists
- in 2013 50% Senators & 42% House Reps come back as lobbyists
- promotes elitism & undermines pluralist democracy
- suggests officials more interested in self-gain than making decisions in interest of the public
- gives govt. bad image
- regulation of gifts can be avoided
- Honest Leadership & Open Govt Act 2007
- loopholes in regulations of gifts that allow lobbyists to avoid regulations
- Jack Abramoff 'you can't take a Congressman to lunch for $25, but you can take him to a fundraising lunch and give him $25,000 as a fundraiser'
- promotes elitism & undermines pluralist democracy
- poorer citizens can't afford expensive gifts
- gives less respectability to regulations as lobbyists can get round them
- still no regulation of grassroots activities
- increased the growth of 'Astroturf Groups' that mask the identity & goals of a client
- conducting a campaign that appears to be a grassroots movement
- National Smokers' Alliance to reduce anti-smoking laws
- claimed to be grassroots but created fro Phillip Morris (huge tobacco company)
- increased the growth of 'Astroturf Groups' that mask the identity & goals of a client
- the definition of lobbyists has caused problems
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