Relational Database Mindmap
- Created by: chloe.speight
- Created on: 27-04-17 17:47
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- Relational Databases
- What is a relational database?
- A relational database consists of tables linked together by key fields
- Components of a relational database
- Entities-The data that's been collected
- Tables-The representation of data, that is stored in rows and columns
- Forms-Where data is submitted
- Queries-These are the requests for data from the database
- Reports-These are presentations of data from the database
- Operators
- Operators are words and symbols that are used to get data from the database
- Boolean operators-AND, OR and NOT
- Arithmetic operators-/,* and +
- Comparison operators-==,< and !=
- Key fields
- A key field is a unique identifier in each table
- Input validation
- Data type-checks that the data inputted is the correct data type
- Range check-checks that the data is in the correct range
- What is a relational database?
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