Re Mindmap
- Created by: Molly
- Created on: 05-05-13 11:57
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- Relationships
- Adultery
- Christianity!
- Wrong: Ten commandments "Do not commit adultery" Against God's will
- Jesus: Sermon on the mount. makes person 'Unclean'. desire is even wrong!
- Breaks the vows: "til death do us part."
- Islam!
- It breaks up the family, which is the foundation of Islamic society.
- Against the unity and peace of the Ummah.
- Qur'an states: "have nothing to do with adultery, for it is a shameful thing and evil opening, the way to other evils."
- Christianity!
- Sex before marriage
- Catholic!
- Wrong: Pope- casbi canubi "Every sexual act must be within the framework of marriage."
- Believe in Chastity: Not having sex before marriage. They believe they should stay sexually pure.
- It's life giving: Children need a stable environment eg; marriage. More likely to be committed when married.
- Protestant
- Sex= gift from God. It is holy and sacred and belongs to a committed relationship.
- They accept cohabitation, so sex before marriage is ok if between loving and committed couple.
- Casual sex or promiscuity is wrong: 1)No respect for self or the other person. 2) Causes disease to spread.
- Catholic!
- Sex is a gift from God
- Catholic and Protestant = same
- Genesis: Adam and Eve- "Go forth and multiply": First instruction to humans.
- It's holy and sacred. must be shared between 2 people in a loving, committed relationship.
- It's a gift that brings new life. Children need a stable environment.
- Catholic and Protestant = same
- Celibacy
- Catholic
- To dedicate life to the word of God and to follow the life of Jesus.
- Paul: "it is good for man not to marry, but if they cannot control their sexual feelings it is better to marry, than burn with passion"
- Jesus seemed to have lived a celibate life, shoeing that it is something to be treasured.
- Budism
- Important for enlightenment.
- Catholic
- Contraception
- Catholic
- Pope: Humanae Vitae- Artificial contraception = WRONG. Transmission of life.
- Interfering with God's plan. Like killing a life. Against sanctity of life.
- Rhythm method is allowed because it doesn't violate the laws of nature.
- Protestant
- It is seen as a way of planning ahead and can stop unwanted pregnancy.
- Prevents the spreading of sti's.
- It's a way of enjoying sex without the worry of having the responsibility of children.
- Catholic
- Divorce
- Catholic
- Wrong: Breaking vows- "til death do us part"
- Against Bible teachings. 1) "I hate divorce" God (Malachi) 2) "what God joined man shall not separate"
- Marriage is a sacrament and cannot be 'dissolved'. God is involved in the marriage.
- Protestant
- Acceptable: Jesus' teaching is an ideal. People try to live up to it but, the problems that face some couples means that their marriage has to end.
- Matthew's gospel: Jesus allowed divorce in the cases of adultery. Paul: It is allowed when a Non-Christian partner separates from a Christian partner .
- A divorce might be the lesser of two evils. For example, if a husband/wife is constantly cruel to his/her wife/husband or in the case of adultery, it would be safer and make the victim(s) feel scure
- Untitled
- Catholic
- Same sex relationships
- Catholic
- Homosexual orientation is not one of choice and therefore not condemned "being a homosexual person is neither morally good nor morally bad..." (Cardinal Hume)
- However, all homosexual acts are 'intrinsically evil'. Sexual intercourse must lead to the possibility of procreation.
- God's plan was for heterosexual relationships leading to reproduction. Homosexuality is 'unnatural' and against nature.
- Protestant Church: Quakers
- No distinction between homosexuality orientation and activity: "We affirm the love of God for all people whatever their sexual orientation... to reject people on the grounds of their sexual behavior is a denial of God's creation.
- Homosexual relationships aren't sinful and should be judged the same way as heterosexual relationships.
- Untitled
- Catholic
- Cohabitation
- Catholic
- The catholic church is completely opposed to cohabitation because it is tempting to have sex before marriage. Sex outside of marriage shows disrespect for the sacrament of marriage, the sacredness of sex, and human dignity.
- Cohabiting couples have a higher divorce rate and a poorer marital relationship than those who don't.
- cohabitation simply cannot square with God's plan for marriage.
- Protestant
- Protestants accept cohabitation as it is a time, where the couple can get to know each other and to trail married life.
- Many people may not want to get married but want a loving relationship that feels the same as if they were married.
- as long as there is love and commitment between the 2 partners cohabitation is fine.
- Catholic
- Importance of marriage/ symbolism/ vows
- Christianity
- The marriage vows are important because they are a solemn promise to the other partner and God to care for each other, love each other and have a committed relationship. They promise to obbey God's law
- God declared, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’ and shows that marriage forms part of a pattern of life established by God
- Marriage is a sign of commitment and faithfulness. "til death do us part"
- The exchanging of rings show the everlasting relationship shared between the couple. Circles are never ending.
- Bible reading= God's word= Shows the importance of God's word.
- They vows signify the seriousness , solemnity and sacredness of the partnership.
- Christianity
- Remarriage
- Catholic
- Divorce isn't accepted and therefore neither is remarriage. "til death do us part"
- Marriage is a sacrament and is insoluble.
- If an annulment- a decree that the marriage was never a real one- is given remarriage is allowed however it is seen as the only marriage.
- Catholic
- Adultery
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