Religion and beliefs in society
- Created by: hardj065
- Created on: 04-01-18 15:31
View mindmap
- Religion
- Definitions of religion
- Substantive definition
- Functional definition
- Constructionist definitions
- Theories of religion
- Functionalism
- Totemism
- The sacred and the profane
- Collective conscience
- Parsons: values and meaning
- Feminism
- Evidence of patriarchy
- Religious forms of feminism
- Marxism
- Religion as ideology
- Religion and Alienation
- Functionalism
- Weber: religion as a force for change
- Calvinist beliefs
- Hinduism and Confucianism
- Evaluation
- Religion and social protest
- The American Civil rights Movement
- The new christian right
- Marxism, religion and change
- Ernst Bloch: The principle of hope
- Liberation theology
- The pentecostal challenge
- Millenarian movements
- Religion and class conflict
- Gramsci: religion and hegemony
- Secularisation
- Church attendance today
- Religious affiliation today
- Religious institutions today
- explanations for secularisation
- Weber: Rationalisation
- Disenchantment
- A technological worldview
- Structural differentiation
- Criticisms
- Religious Diversity
- Social and cultural diversity
- Secularisation in America
- Secularisation from within
- Declining church attendance
- Religious diversity
- Criticisms of secularisation theory
- New forms of religion
- From obligation to consumption
- Believing without belonging
- Vicarious religion: the spiritual health service
- Neither believing nor belonging
- Spiritual shopping
- Online religion and religion online
- Postmodern religion
- Religious consumerism
- Globalisation, the media and religion
- Self-religions and the new age
- Re-enchantment of the world
- A spiritual revolution
- The weakness of the new age
- Religious market theory
- Cycle of renewal
- America Vs. Europe
- Supply-led religion
- Religious competition
- Criticisms
- An alternative view: Secularisation and security
- Existential security theory (rich and poor)
- Europe Vs. America
- State welfare and religiosity
- Evaluation
- Religious fundamentalism
- Characteristics of fundamentalism
- Fundamentalism and modernity
- Cosmopolitanism
- Secular fundamentalism
- Responses to postmodernity
- The 'clash of civilisations'
- Criticisms
- Monotheism and fundamentalism
- Two fundamentalisms
- Cultural defence
- Iran
- Religion and development
- God and globalisation in India
- Hinduism and Consumerism
- Hindu ultra-nationalism
- Capitalism in East Asia
- Pentecostalism in latin America
- Pentecostalism: global and local
- Types of religious organisation
- Church and sect
- Denomination and cult
- Similarities and differences
- From cathedrals to cults
- New religious movements
- World-rejecting NRMs
- World-accomodatingNRMs
- World-affirming NRMs
- Evaluation
- Sects and Cults
- Audience cults
- Client cults
- Cultic movements
- Explaining the growth of religious movements
- Marginality
- Relative deprivation
- Social change
- The growth of NRMs
- The dynamics of sects and NRMs
- Denomination or death
- The secretarian cycle
- Established sects
- The growth of the new age
- Postmodernityand the new age
- The new age and modernity
- Religiosity and social groups
- Gender and religiosity
- Reasons for gender differences
- Risk, socialisation and roles
- Paid work
- Women and the new age
- Women, compensatorsand sects
- The pentecostal gender paradox
- Recent trends
- Ethnicity and religiosity
- Reasons for ethnic differences
- Cultural defence
- Cultural transition
- Age and religious Participation
- Reasons for age differences
- Science as a belief system
- The impact of science
- Open belief systems
- The CUDOS norms
- Closed belief systems
- Witchcraft among the azande
- Self-sustaining beliefs
- Science as a closed system
- The sociology of scientific knowledge
- Little green men
- Marxism, Feminism and Postmodernism
- Ideology
- Marxism and ideology
- Hegemony and revolution
- The ideology of nationalism
- The ideology of nationalism
- Marxism: nationalism as false consciousness
- Functionalism: nationalism as civil religion
- Gellner: nationalism and modernity
- Karl Mannheim: ideology and Utopia
- The free floating intelligentsia
- Definitions of religion
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