AQA GCSE RE Religion and Life part 2: Euthanasia
- Created by: cpoppy
- Created on: 07-04-18 15:41
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- Religion and Life Part 2: Euthanasia
- Religious views
- Christianity
- For
- "love thy neighbour"- it is a loving thing to do
- Against
- "Do not kill"
- Sanctity of life
- Roman Catholics don't accept it
- Only God can take life
- Against
- Compassionate
- Anglicans accept passive Euthanasia
- Free will
- Quality of life
- "love thy neighbour"- it is a loving thing to do
- Against
- "Do not kill"
- Sanctity of life
- Roman Catholics don't accept it
- Only God can take life
- For
- Islam
- For
- Some may allow passive Euthanasia; allows God's plan to take its course
- Free will
- Quality of life
- Against
- Only Allah can take life
- It is Zulm: going against Allah
- For
- Christianity
- Forms of Euthanasia
- Active Euthanasia
- Active steps taken to end a life, like a lethal injection
- Passive Euthanasia
- Doctors stop providing life support
- Active Euthanasia
- Types of Euthanasia
- Voluntary
- Person asks a doctor to end their life
- Non-voluntary
- Person is too ill to consent but life is ended because it is in their best interests
- Involuntary
- Person able to consent but doesn't as they do not want to die and are not usually terminally ill. They are killed anyway.
- Voluntary
- Non-religious views supporting Euthanasia
- Loving thing to do
- Nobody wants to die in pain
- Hospice care
- Making the last dew days of someone's life as comfortable as possible
- Loving alternative
- Supports family and friends of those terminally ill too
- Cares for mental health too
- Religious views
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