Religion And Life - Community Cohesion
- Created by: georgieeee
- Created on: 20-06-16 19:46
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- Religion and Life - Community Cohesion
- Traditional and Changing Roles
- Men used to always get priorities in jobs - physically stronger
- Women can get pregnant - less reliable
- Men paid more - provide for whole family
- Women stay at home to look after house
- Men paid more - provide for whole family
- Women can get pregnant - less reliable
- Legal Changes
- 1960s - Contraceptive Pill- women less likely to get pregnant
- 1970s - Equal Pay Act - men and women get same pay/rights in same job
- 1975 - Sex Discrimination Act - made illegal to discriminate due to gender
- Other changes
- Less nuclear families
- Single parents, IVF, homosexual couples
- Increasing costs to raise children - both parents need job
- Less nuclear families
- Men used to always get priorities in jobs - physically stronger
- Christian Views of Women in Religion
- Trad Protestant
- Women should stay at home + look after family
- Husbands speak for family in Church (st paul teaching)
- Jesus had only male apostles
- Mod Protestant
- Evidence of female Chuch leaders - Council of Laodicea banned it in 4th century
- Jesus treated women as equals
- Women stayed with Jesus at cross - gives them right to be in Church
- Women can be priests in Methodist, Baptist, CofE
- Catholic
- For
- Catholic Catechism teaches both sexes are equal
- Equal roles/rights in society
- Can have most Church roles
- Against
- Jesus was male - priest represents Jesus
- Apostles were male - bishops represent apostles
- Can't be part of ordaned ministry
- For
- Trad Protestant
- Islamic Views on Women in Religion
- Should wear burkha to cover up
- Not dress provocatively or be objectified
- Equal but different
- Neither sex is superior
- Biological differences = different roles in society
- Teachings of Qur'an
- "Be they men or women, those that embrace the faith, we will surely grant a happy life."
- "Men have authority over women because Allah has made one superior to the other..."
- Muhammad's Example
- Respected rights of his wife - mentioned rights of women in his final sermon
- Great Exemplar - should follow his example
- Should wear burkha to cover up
- Multi-ethnic society (many different races and cultures living together in one society)
- Why people immigrate here
- Safety, better jobs, education healthcare etc
- Racism (belief that some races are superior to others)
- Discrimination (Treating people less favourably due to their ethnicity/gender/colour/sexuality/age/class etc)
- Groups may feel alienated and begin work against the society
- Young victims may turn to terrorism if they don't fit in and feel they have no chance of success
- Discrimination (Treating people less favourably due to their ethnicity/gender/colour/sexuality/age/class etc)
- Benefits
- Progress with ideas and methods - social progression
- Less chance of war - different races mix and get to know each other
- Education - similarities and differences
- Why people immigrate here
- Christians promoting racial harmony
- Jesus' Teaching
- Everyone is equal
- He healed a Roman centurion servant
- Black African helped him carry the cross.
- Parable of the Good Samaritan - Jews didn't help Jew but 'enemy' Samaritan did
- Bible Teachings
- Galatians St Paul teaches everyone is equal in Christ
- "...for you are all one in Christ..."
- Act 10: St Peter given a vision showing God treats everyone as equal
- "...That God has no favourites..."
- Galatians St Paul teaches everyone is equal in Christ
- Other reasons
- Catholic Church released statement condemning racism and encouraging Christians to promote racial harmony
- Christians from all over the world
- Jesus' Teaching
- Muslims promoting racial harmony
- Ummah - Brotherhood of Islam
- All Muslims should regard each other as brothers/sisters
- Race doesn't matter
- Hajj - pilgrimage (5th pillar)
- Most Muslims aim to do it
- Brings them all together, from different backgrounds
- All worship same thing, breaks down barriers of language, race, wealth etc
- Men wear all white so indistinguishable between rich and poor
- Scriptures
- Human race created from one pair of humans so all races are related - none are superior
- All races equal in Allah's eyes
- Muhammad's Example
- Always promoted racial harmony - great exemplar
- Muhammad was Arabic, 1st prayer caller was black African Muslim.
- Every Muslim is a brother to every other muslim
- Ummah - Brotherhood of Islam
- Multi-faith society
- Benefits
- Education about other religions
- Some may practise religion more seriously - make others consider how they worship
- People become more understanding of other points of view
- Religious toleration and understnading
- Issues
- Conversion
- Religions see it as their right to convert people - they think only their religion is the true religion
- Holy book often says they should encourage people to convert
- Can cause problems because:
- Can be seen as prejudice/discrimination against people of different faith - saying their beliefs are wrong
- People think you should study all religions before making judgement about what is right
- Religions see it as their right to convert people - they think only their religion is the true religion
- Bringing up children
- Parents often encouraged to bring up children in their religion
- Eventually children think about it for themselves (peer/social pressures) - they may veer away from own religion
- Inter-faith marriages
- Which religious ceremony do they have?
- Families may feel betrayal of roots and upbringing
- Which religion are children brought up as?
- Conversion
- Benefits
- Community Cohesion
- Government Action Promoting community cohesion
- Community Cohesion: a common vision and shared sense of belonging for all groups in society
- 1976 - Race Relations Act
- 2001 - Race relations Amendmant Act - ensure police handle matters correctly (Stephen Lawrence case)
- 2007 -Equality and Human Rights Commission
- 2006 - Education and Inspections Act
- Financially support community groups
- Importance
- 7/7 Bombers were British citizens who felt they didn't fit in
- Lack can cause unrest and conflict about society - violence
- Government Action Promoting community cohesion
- Traditional and Changing Roles
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