Education under Stalin and Lenin
- Created by: grace122
- Created on: 17-11-17 19:54
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- Education under Stalin and Lenin
- Education under Stalin
- Centralised school by Narkonpros
- Academic curriculum, teaching, exams, homework, uniform
- Collective farms responsible for schools
- Core subjects of science, reading, writing and maths
- Parents expected to pay for school
- Nursery started at 3, infant school until 7, secondary until 15
- 1935, quota system replaced by selection, the able got strong education
- Emphasis on training specialists for industry, math, science
- For less able, practical work encouraged
- Being loyal to the party/state emphasised
- Teachers likely to be party members
- Risked being arrested if not achieving high targets
- If students failed they had a risk of being purged
- Risked being arrested if not achieving high targets
- Teachers likely to be party members
- History of imperial past introduced, Stalin's role in the revolution emphasised
- Closeness with Lenin exaggerated
- Military training prior to ww2
- Veshenka controlled universities,
- USSR needed skilled and educated workforce
- To industrialise
- Centralised school by Narkonpros
- Education under Lenin
- Financial pressures caused universal schooling to be abandoned under NEP
- Teachers lost authority and were badly paid, poor resources
- Financial pressures caused universal schooling to be abandoned under NEP
- Free education for those over 9
- Coeducational schools
- Education under Stalin
- Impact of Stalin's policies
- Spread literacy levels in the countryside
- By 1941, 94% of people in towns were literate and 86% in the counryside
- Could absorb propaganda more easily
- Improvements at university
- Number of working class going dropped
- Number of upper class children attending secondary school dropped
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