GCSE OCR B: Religious Studies - Religion and Medical Ethics
- Created by: Bukky
- Created on: 15-03-14 19:05
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- Religion & Medical Ethics
- Sanctity of Life
- Jeremiah 1:5
- Genesis 1:27
- 1 Corinthians 6:19
- Euthanasia
- Dignitas Group in Switzerland
- Exodus 20:13
- Suicide
- Job 1:21 , Ecclesiastes 3:1-3a
- Euthanasia
- Dignitas Group in Switzerland
- Exodus 20:13
- Suicide
- Job 1:21 , Ecclesiastes 3:1-3a
- In the past, if someone committed suicide, then weren't allowed to be buried in the Church burial grounds
- The Golden Rule
- The Samaritans set up by Chad Varah
- Job 1:21 , Ecclesiastes 3:1-3a
- Suicide
- Hospices created by Dame Cicely Saunders
- Palliative Care
- Palliative Care
- "a grave violation of the law of God" - Pope John Paul II
- Euthanasia
- In the past, if someone committed suicide, then weren't allowed to be buried in the Church burial grounds
- The Golden Rule
- The Samaritans set up by Chad Varah
- Job 1:21 , Ecclesiastes 3:1-3a
- Suicide
- Hospices created by Dame Cicely Saunders
- Palliative Care
- Palliative Care
- "a grave violation of the law of God" - Pope John Paul II
- Abortion
- Pro-Choice
- Lesser of two evils
- Doctrine of Double Effect
- Secular Approach
- Pro-Life
- Exodus 20:13
- "great moral evil" - CofE
- "Life begins at conception" - RC
- Natural Law
- Psalm 139:13-16
- Luke 1:41
- Pro-Choice
- Fertility Treatment
- Spae embryos get destroyed
- Embryo Research
- Therapeutic Cloning
- RCs see as immoral
- Embryo Research
- Spae embryos get destroyed
- AID (Donor)
- AIH (Husband)
- Ecclesiastes 3:1-3a
- Luke 9:11
- Hannah
- Genesis 1:28
- Animal Research
- Dominion
- Genesis 1:26
- Genesis 2:7
- Stewardship
- Sermon to the Birds
- Matthew 10:29-31
- Quaker say no to testing for comestics
- Dominion
- Cloning
- Therapeutic Cloning
- Embryo Research
- RCs see as immoral
- Sanctity of Life
- Quaker say no to testing for comestics
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