Religion and Medicine: Key terms
Religion and human experience, wjec religious studies specification B
- Created by: CrayolaCreation
- Created on: 02-04-13 12:34
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- Religion & medicine key terms.
- Conscience
- 'inner voice' keeps people on right track
- God given instict/ characteristic.
- helps people make right choices.
- Free will.
- Humans have free choices in life
- Religions teach people to do right
- Follow God & religious commands
- Hippocratic oath
- Promise doctors take to preserve life at all costs
- treating patients to best of ability
- never intend to harm/ breach patient confidentiality
- Medical ethics
- Deciding what's good/ acceptable
- Such as through conscience
- apply religious values to medical issues.
- Quality of life
- Life meanigful/ pleasurable
- Free from undue pain and stress
- Religious: live life to the full
- Sancitity of life
- Life in all forms are sacred
- Untitled
- Conscience
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