Religion Revision
religion short course, main subjects and key topics and information you need to know
- Created by: amie
- Created on: 18-04-13 17:24
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- Religion Revision
- Believing in God
- Arguments against God's existance
- Scientific explanations of the world
- Unanswered prayers
- Problem of Evil
- How Christians respond to evil and suffering
- Arguments for God's existance
- Religious upbringing
- Design argument
- Causation argument
- The Media
- Bruce Almighty
- summary
- How it supports God's existance
- How it suggests that God doesn't exist
- Effect on me
- Red Dwarf
- Summary
- How it supports God's existance
- How it suggests that God doesn't exist
- Effect on me
- Bruce Almighty
- Arguments against God's existance
- Matters of Life and Death
- Life after Death
- why Christians believe in ...
- Non- religious reasons for believing in ...
- The case against ...
- Euthanasia
- Christian teachings
- Non- religious arguments in favour
- Non-religious arguments against
- Abortion
- The Law (1967 act)
- Non- religious arguments in favour
- Non- religious arguments against
- Christian teaching
- The media and ...
- Media SHOULD criticize religious beliefs on ...
- Media should NOT criticize religious beliefs on ...
- Life after Death
- Marriage and Family
- Family life
- Christian teachings
- Divorce
- Christian beliefs
- Roman Catholic churchs say
- Homosexuality
- Evangelical protestant attitude
- Catholic attitude
- Liberal protestant attitude
- Pre-marital sex, adultry and cohabitation
- Churches say
- Roman catholic attitude
- Some Christians say
- Contraception
- Different Christian attitudes
- Methods
- Changing attitudes to marriage and divorce
- Reasons for changes
- Changes
- Family life
- Community Cohesion
- Women
- How attitudes to roles of men and women have changed in the UK
- Why attitudes have changed
- Catholic attitudes
- Evangelical Protestant attitudes
- Modern Protestant attitudes
- How attitudes to roles of men and women have changed in the UK
- Multi- ethnic society
- Racial harmony
- Effects of discrimination and racism
- Problems of discrimination and racism
- Cohesion
- Why it is important
- Why Christians promote racial harmony
- How the government promotes it
- The UK as a multi-faith society
- Benefits of a multi-faith society
- How religious people promote community cohesion in the UK
- Issues for religion in a multi-faith society
- Media
- Vicar of dibely
- FAIR to religious beliefs
- Why it's an important issue
- UNFAIR to religious beliefs
- Summary of Issue
- Vicar of dibely
- Women
- Believing in God
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