Religion, Social Change and Conflict
- Created by: Whaaaat
- Created on: 28-05-14 11:19
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- Religion, Social Change and Conflict
- Example of religion causing social change
- G.K Nelson argues where religion has promoted change
- The USA in the 60's Martin Luther King and the Southern Christian Leadership Counsil supported the civil rights movement and resulted in the legislation to reduce racial discrimination
- The 9/11 attack on America by Al Qaeda resulted in massive changes to American policy + the invasion of Afghanistan, and changed the regime in these countries
- In south Africa, Archbishop Tutu was an opponent of the apartheid and helped bring it's end
- Religion can be seen to cause social change, however, this may lead to said religions becoming a radical force.
- McGuire says there are factors that decide whether the social change is caused by a radical force or not
- Religions with strong moral codes may have disaporvals with society and so become more eager for change
- Societies where religious beliefs are central to the culture (America) will have more opportunity for people to use religion as a way to cause social change
- Where religious organisations are central to economic and political structure in society means they will have more of a chance to cause change
- McGuire says there are factors that decide whether the social change is caused by a radical force or not
- G.K Nelson argues where religion has promoted change
- Religion as a force for change is closely linked to whether it causes conflicts
- Functionalists claim religion prevents conflicts by creating harmony through shared values
- Marxism and feminism say religion prevents conflicts by reinforcing control of the dominant groups
- Weber recognises religion is a cause of conflict as well as a way to keep harmony
- EXAMPLE:: Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland, Muslim Palestinians and Jewish Israelis in the Middle East etc.
- Conflicts aren't just based on religious organisations, the Northern Ireland conflict was also political (who cotrolled the north, the UK or Southern Ireland)
- Findamentalism
- Self-styled religious believers attempt to stop the erosion of religious identity and create alternatives to secular behaviours
- Fundamentalism may cause conflicts to other religions who see them as a threat.
- Fundamentalists want to reverse changes made by secularisation and so tends to be seen as a conservative force for wanting to preserve traditions and values BUT can be seen as radical as the seek social change
- EXAMPLE:: Al Qaeda are respionsible for the 9?11 attack on America
- Example of religion causing social change
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