R.E Revision
- Created by: nikizee
- Created on: 15-05-16 17:29
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- Religious Education
- Our World
- Dominion
- Being in charge of the world
- Environment
- Natural world around us - Plants, insects, animals + Humans
- Stewardship
- Guarding over something for the real owner - earth
- Creation
- Gods making the world for a purpose
- Humanity
- Caring about other human beings through prayer + action
- soul
- Part of humans that lives on after death.
- Dominion
- Relationships
- Love
- Deep affection for someone - expressed through actions or words
- Married couples - Forgiving, Faithful, obey marriage vows
- Storge - objects / animals
- Philia - Friends / family
- Eros - sexual
- Agape - unconditional
- Show commitment
- Keep wedding vows / promies from wedding
- Have children
- Remain faithful
- Gifts
- Deep affection for someone - expressed through actions or words
- Responsibilities / duties
- Commitment
- Making / keeping promises
- Chastity
- Not having sex until marriage
- Celibacy
- Never having a sexual relationship
- Adultery
- Sex with someone other then husband / wife
- Conflict
- Working against each other
- Reconciliation
- Saying sorry / accepting - making up
- Love
- Deep affection for someone - expressed
- Commitment
- Purpose of marriage
- Christianity
- Life long relationship of love and companionship
- Support and comfort each other
- Sex
- Procreation
- Bring up a christian family
- Christianity
- Traditions - christian marriage ceremony
- Vows
- Exchanging rings
- Prayers
- Bible reading
- Divorce
- Catholivs dont allow
- Not gods intention
- breaking vows
- jesus taught divorce to be wrong
- Islam only allows as a last resort
- Love
- Our World
- "World is for us humans" - caring for our world
- Agree
- God gave dominion
- Enjoying world - purpose of humans
- Disagree
- Care for animals
- Care for others
- Use talents to look after the world
- Judged on how the earth is created
- Agree
- Christianity
- Christianty
- God made the world
- Humans have duty of sterwardship
- God gave humans dominion
- Islam
- Allah made the world
- Follow examples of Muhammad - kindness
- Humans have duty to Khalifan
- Christianty
- "World is for us humans" - caring for our world
- Relationships
- "homosexuality is wrong"
- agree
- Bible - Qur;an teach its wrong
- Cannot procreate naturally
- Will not go to heaven
- God created marriage to be between man / woman
- Disagree
- homosexuality seen in other animals
- Quakes have allowed it for 20 years
- bible written in different culture
- agree
- Contraception
- Christianity
- acceptable within marriage
- Both partners agree
- Catholics dont agree
- Sex is for procreation
- Silam
- Pill and condom preferred
- attitudes differ
- Christianity
- Sexual relationships
- Christianity
- sex only in marriage
- sex gift from god
- sex for procreation
- holy and sacred
- adultery - christianity
- breaks vows of faithfulness
- ten commandments - "Do not commit adultery"
- Harms special relationship of marriage
- Islam
- Sex gift from god
- sex outside marriage forbidden
- purpose of sex is procreation
- Adultery - Islam
- Serious sin
- Breaks marriage contract
- Harm family
- Form f theft
- Christianity
- "homosexuality is wrong"
- "Life has no built in purpose"
- Agree
- Free will
- Destiny/ Fate
- Disagree
- We have a purpose
- Sex - procreation
- Obey God
- Steward/ khalifah
- Agree
- Teachings of Creation
- Christianity
- 6 days 1 rest
- God created everything
- Humans created "in the image" of god
- Out of nothing
- Islam
- Allah made everything
- Adam and eve
- Angels sent
- Christianity
- Using our talents
- Something you're good at
- Used/ Developed
- Given by God
- Benefit of others
- Musical talent - worship
- Lawyer - benefit others
- Our World
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