Religious experience
- Created by: audreyhorne123
- Created on: 23-02-20 11:40
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- Religious experience
- Visions
- St Augustine classified three categories
- Corporeal
- Those that come through the physical sense of sight
- Eg St Bernadette of Lourdes saw a 'small young lady' who identified herself as the immaculate conception
- Those that come through the physical sense of sight
- Imaginative
- No visual image; the experience illuminates the soul
- Eg Teresa of Avila- 'I saw Christ close by me... or to speak more correctly, felt Him'
- No visual image; the experience illuminates the soul
- Intellectual
- Seen in the mind, often through a dream
- Eg Joseph's dream where he was told that Mary was pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit and that he was to marry her
- Seen in the mind, often through a dream
- Corporeal
- St Augustine classified three categories
- Numinous experiences: Otto; an apprehension of the wholly other
- Non rational and unique- totally outside our everyday experience
- Sense of 'wholly other'
- Emphasis on God's transcendence
- An experience of the numinous
- Refers to a presence and reality that cannot be understood with the senses or intellect
- Sense of the holy
- HOLY- 'other than', 'separate from'
- Attempt to describe the sense some people have of a reality totally outside and beyond their experience of themselves and the world
- Mysterium tremendum et fascinans
- 'Fearful and attractive mystery'
- MYSTERIUM:something far removed from humanity that can be experienced but not understood; elicits the response of awe and wonder
- TREMENDUM: fearsome experience of God's overwheling majesty and energy; creates a sense of human nothingness and sinfulness= absolute dependence on God
- FASCINANS: the compulsive and attractive nature of the experience creates a desire for a relationship, despite its fearful nature; creates an awareness of the need for salvation; Isiah experienced God's forgiveness and mercy
- Mystical experiences
- William James
- Sympathetic to religion but wasn't religious
- Applied the insights of science, particularly psychology
- Religious experience is primary
- Organised religion arose out of people comparing their religious experiences
- The true purpose of humanity is union with the higher universe that gives the world significance
- 4 criteria for assessing the genuine nature of a mystical experience
- The experience controls the mystic, whose will is unable to direct what happens
- This may result in unusual activity eg Teresa of Avila is said to have levitated
- A private experience that makes sense only to other mystics
- Cannot be described in words so negative language may be used
- NOETIC quality
- The encounter gives genuine insight into truths
- They consist of non rational and intuitive rather than intellectual knowledge
- The experience is usually short, almost always no more than 1-2 hours
- With time, it becomes more difficult to reproduce the memory, but its continuing significance is seen in any further experience
- Has a life transforming effect on the individual's view of life
- Walter Stace
- Saw little point in attempting rational proofs of God's existence
- God is either a mystery or nothing at all
- Saw the goal of all religious experience as union with God
- Mysticism is nothing to do with: the occult or parapsychology; visions or auditory experiences
- 2 types
- INTROVERTIVE: those in which sense experience is totally supressed and there is no sense of 'I' which is replaced by 'the One'
- Ultimate mystical experience
- No awareness of the world
- No intellectual function
- Ordinary human consciousness is replaced with mystical consciousness in which the 'I' is absent
- EXTROVERTIVE: those in which sense experience is still active, though objects are transfigured by the 'unity that shines through'
- Half way house to introvertive experience
- Normal objects are seen with the physical senses, but they are transfigured so that the non sensuous unity of all things shines through them
- INTROVERTIVE: those in which sense experience is totally supressed and there is no sense of 'I' which is replaced by 'the One'
- Saw little point in attempting rational proofs of God's existence
- William James
- Visions
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