Religious Experience
- Created by: Awesomelyevil
- Created on: 06-10-16 08:21
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- Types of religious experience.
- Public and private - Richard Swinburne
- Public
- Ordinary Experiences: when a persons interprets a natural event as having religious significance.
- Extraordinary Experience: an event which may appear to violate normal understanding of the workings of nature.
- Private
- Non-describable experiences: direct experiences of God. These experiences go beyond human powers of description.
- Describable in ordinary language: experiences such as dreams.
- Non-specific experiences: include things like looking at the world from a religious perspective.
- Public
- Visions: God is seen or observed
- Corporeal Visions
- Imaginative visions
- Intellectual visions
- can be noetic and revelatory
- For example: St Teresa of Avila - visions which were seen 'not with the eyes of the body, but with the eyes of the soul'
- Voices: The communication of knowledge from God
- Characteristics
- The message is noetic
- The disembodied voice
- The voice is authoritative.
- For example: the calling of Samuel
- Characteristics
- Numious experience
- Rudolf Otto - the numious ('wholly other'); 'mysterium remedum'
- Martin Buber (1878-1965); 'I-Thou' and 'I-it' relations
- Mystical experience
- James' Four characteristics
- Noetic
- Ineffible
- Transient
- Passive
- Examples: St Teresa of Avila, St John of the Cross, Mother Julian of Norwich, the Buddha
- Two types: Theistic and Nature
- James' Four characteristics
- Conversion experience
- Key Types: Sudden and Gradual
- Examples: St Paul
- Corporate Religious expeience
- When a group/collective experiences the same religious experience pointing towards a higher being.
- Examples: Toronto Blessing.
- Public and private - Richard Swinburne
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