RE part a
- Created by: Rachel
- Created on: 02-06-14 13:38
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- Religious E
- KF
- experience with religious context
- inductive
- Used to prove existence of God through interpretation of evidence
- "impossible to doubt that i have been in god and god in me"
- Types: Direct & Indirect
- DIRECT- encounter God in direct way e.g Paul
- Otto- Numinous (experience of the holy)
- James
- often with words such as awe, wonder and beauty, but the actual nature of the experience was ineffable
- Mystical attributes of RE - PINT
- link to James' Ineffable; created Tremendum & mysteium
- James
- Otto- Numinous (experience of the holy)
- IINDIRECT- experiences where the mind of an individual focuses on god.
- DIRECT- encounter God in direct way e.g Paul
- Swinburne
- 5 types
- Credulity & Testimony
- Cannot doubt religious testimony because it is unusual, nonR testimony true
- Religious experience is because God wants to interact with us out of love
- Forms
- Vision inc' Corporeal
- Voice inc' StT
- Corporate inc' Toronto Blessing
- Buber
- Personal w/ God - I-THOU
- Religious experience is because God wants to interact with us out of love
- Personal w/ God - I-THOU
- Historical & Cumulative
- KF
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