Religious Language
- Created by: OrangeDolphin45
- Created on: 09-06-15 18:18
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- Religious Language
- Analogy - Aquinas
- Univocal-one meaning
- 'God the father' limits God
- Equivocal-Many different unrelated meanings
- Means we know nothing about God
- Analogical-similar related meanings
- Statements about God - God is 'good' in an infinite way
- Analogy of proportion
- God is like us but proportionately greater
- Analogy of attribution
- God confers His attributes upon His creation
- Cognitive (God)
- Non-cognitive (some of the Bible)
- Univocal-one meaning
- Logical Postivism
- Developed a tool for establishing what statements were meaningful and meaningless
- Verification - Ayer
- Falsification- Flew
- Meaningful if evidence against could falsify it
- Meaningful = falsifiable
- Statement not deny then not assert
- Meaningful = falsifiable
- Wisdom - Parable of the gardener
- Meaningful if evidence against could falsify it
- No observation of God
- If God is metaphysical there could never be synthetic/empirical evidence
- Falsification- Flew
- Language games - Wittgenstein
- Words have different meanings/functions in different disclosure (context)
- Interpretation
- Words have different meanings/functions in different disclosure (context)
- Myth - Bultmann
- Demythologise + reinterpret the Bible
- Certain Christian beliefs - not literal/factual
- Symbol - Tillich
- Everything we say about God is symbolic
- Everything that is an 'ultimate concern' is God
- Robinson - God is not a personal being
- Analogy - Aquinas
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