Religious views on euthanasia
- Created by: Farida Hamad
- Created on: 24-04-14 16:06
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- Religious views on euthanasia
- Islam
- Euthanasia is Haram as Allah is the only one that should decide when someone should die.
- Do not take life, which Allah made sacred, other than in the course of justice. -Qur'an 17:33
- Suffering is part of a human's development and it wlill be made up on Judgement Day when you die.
- Christianity
- Suffering is a test from God and a necessity of life. It will be rewarded in Heaven but Euthanasia is an escape from that test.
- Thou shalt not kill. -Exodus 20:13
- Buddhism
- Less clear views on euthanasia, however are still against it as it is harmful
- Judaism
- Euthanasia is wrong and patience on suffering will be rewarded in the afyer life
- Islam
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