The Medical Renaissance
- Created by: Zarz77
- Created on: 11-06-16 17:02
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- Renaissance
- 1500AD - 1750AD
- Causes
- Plagues- one particularly bad plague struck in 1665 (don't confuse with the Black Death).
- Injuries in battle.
- Infectious diseases, such as smallpox.
- Healers
- Doctors for the rich (e.g Harvey)
- Barber surgeons.
- Quacks - untrained people who sold medicine.
- Women in the home, wise women, midwives for childbirth.
- Factors for change
- There were some advances in treatment of war wounds, especially in France with Pare.
- Treatments for illnesses stayed the same because new ideas like those of Vesalius & Harvey were about understanding the body not about new treatments..
- Explanations
- Natural
- Imbalance of the four humours.
- Supernatural
- Illnesses sent by God as punishment.
- Natural
- Treatments
- Supernatural
- Praying to God for forgiveness.
- Natural
- Use of opposites & the four humours (bleeding, purging).
- Herbal remedies.
- Supernatural
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